
  • Nota Técnica
    No. 6 (2024)

    The sixth edition of the Technical Note of the research project "Financing for Development in Ecuador" of the Universidad Central del Ecuador presents three articles on financial issues: the Reactiva program in Peru, the Welfare Bank in Mexico and the tax collection system in Ecuador. Also included is an article on financing for development in Latin America and another on the financial circuit in Argentina.

  • Nota Técnica
    No. 5 (2023)

    In the fifth Technical Note you will find three articles on health. One on defensive medicine in Ecuador, another on the functioning of the health system in Colombia and a third on neglected diseases in Ecuador. It also includes an analysis of social dialogue with an experience in Uruguay; and an analysis of the functioning of revolving credits.

  • Nota Técnica
    No. 4 (2023)

    In the fourth Technical Note you will find: two analyses of the individually funded pension systems in Mexico and Chile; an analysis of the outsourcing of IESS health services; comments on the constitutional ruling on the pension embargo in Ecuador; and an analysis of the rotation of the highest authorities of the Board of Directors of the IESS and the Ministry of Public Health.

  • Nota Técnica
    No. 3 (2022)

    In this third Technical Note you will find: an analysis of two constitutional rulings: one on prepaid health insurance and the other on the right to medicines in Ecuador; an account of the privatization attempts of the 1990s and the "patricios"; an analysis of the affiliation of young people; and, a review of the book The "Logic of Collective Action".

  • Nota Técnica
    No. 2 (2022)

    In the second edition of the publication Financiamiento para el Desarrollo en Ecuador. Nota Técnica de la Universidad Central del Ecuador you will find a profile of people not affiliated to social security, an analysis of the employer's retirement, a review of the budget for higher education, a note on the credit insurance and a review of the book "Evaluation of four decades of pension privatization in Latin America (1980-2020)".

  • Nota Técnica
    No. 1 (2021)

    This is the first Technical Note of the research project "Financing for Development in Ecuador" -FDE-. Technical Note No. 1 includes a historical overview of social security; the proposals of the presidential candidates in this regard; a quantitative analysis of the resources granted through the BIESS; the presidential veto on the formation of the IESS board of directors; and a political economy analysis of the AFP's proposal.