¿Qué historia enseñar a inicios del siglo XXI?
Education, History, Critical thinking, Social SciencesAbstract
The article "What history to teach at the beginning of the 21st century?" addresses the complexity and importance of teaching history in modern education. With an important question about the idea that there is a single impartial version of history, knowing that it is a scientific discipline that analyzes human development, connected to the present and the future. Teaching history today means going beyond the mere memorization of dates and characters to focus on the explanation of social processes and their current impacts.
The importance of collective memory in social construction is highlighted and how
this differs from the scientific approach to history, although memory remains an essential source. Likewise, the challenges that historical science faces, mainly in the face of ideological attacks that seek to weaken critical thinking and the usefulness of the social sciences.
Its content emphasizes the need for history teaching that develops critical thinking in students, allowing them to analyze historical processes in a deep and contextualized way; which includes overcoming Eurocentric approaches and recognizing the contributions of different social groups, especially marginalized ones. Finally, it proposes a teaching of history that is critical, interdisciplinary and contextualized, avoiding errors such as presentism or moralism, to form a youth capable of understanding and transforming their sociohistorical reality.
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