The threshing of the Pimbulos, an agricultural rite in agony


  • Holguer Jara Chávez


Ethnography, Rite, Sacred, demonstration, Pimbulo, Threshing


The “Pimbulos”, indigenous ecuadorian people exclusively linked to agriculture, preserve certain cultural manifestations which they revive at the time of cultivating the land, planted their grains and tubers, but especially during harvests, as a recognition
to God, to nature and to his work. “Threshing” represents a quasi-sacred event, in which
rituals, characters, ancestral knowledge, solidarity between neighbors and reciprocity with mother earth arise.
Unfortunately, this spontaneous and simple ritual, traditional and rich in simbols, signs and meanings, is in clear danger of disappearing due to the acculturation of thought, globalization and new technologies. This article tries to at least register this ritual using the same tipycal terminology (*) that the “threshers” of Pimbulo still use to express themselves.


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(1) Gerardo Tocta, anciano del grupo.

(2) María Tocta, dueña de la trilla

(3) Manuel Chimborazo, Primiciero

(4) Rosa Cuji, vecina del lugar

(5) Rufino Lima, vecino del lugar

(6) Federico Tocta, pariente de la dueña de la trilla

(7) Idem

(8) Ambrosio Ruiz, vecino del lugar

(9) Federico Tocta, pariente de la dueña de la trulla


