Crisis ambiental global y crisis civilizatoria


  • Ángela Zambrano Carranza


Global Environmental Crisis, Civilization Crisis, Development Models, Citizen Environmental Training


Planeth Earth, our home, since its formation around 4,500 million years ago, has presented variations in its climate system, which even with human intervention until before the industrial revolution, could mitigate tis effects and recover the imbalances that occurred in the various ecosystems. Starting in 1750, industrial revolutions and proven development models marked the difference between a before and an after, expressed in a true anthropogenic environmental crisis. At present it is recognized that it is part of a civilizing crisis, where global environmental prevail; the gaps in social inequality are becoming more and more evident; and ultimately, life itself on the planet is at stake. Sensitivity, citizen environmental training, action, resilience, among others, appear as possible alternative solutions, but if we do not humanize ourselves and change our actions to responsible environmental practices, life on Earth will continue to be at stake.

