Perspectiva Historiográfica

mujeres desde la colonia


  • María Eugenia Torres Sarmiento


Communication, Rights, Gender, Cultural management


The research analyzes the impact of a social reconstruction for the vindication of "womanhood", through the actions of the cultural-communication project "Cuchara de Palo", Cultural Collective of Ecuador, which contributes to the investigation, promotion and dissemination of culture, education and heritage in social networks and the media. The exploration is immersed in reflections on the historical role that women have had and still have in the power relations and utopias of the societies of yesterday and today through an analysis of the life of Nela Martinez Espinoza from Cañar, the Bolivian Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, and the three Manuelas, who with their thinking influenced the independence of what would later become the Ecuador of today and our Latin America. Thus, the proposal reconstructs the social memory of women in the cultural context of Cañar.

